I will get on a 'how to guide' asap.......watch this space.

Ok, first remove the outer rear lights, these are fixed by 2 x 10mm nuts accessable if you pull back the boot lining as with changing bulbs. I found it easier to unplug them before removal. Once out you will see 2 x torx head screws on each side, remove both of these. Then under the bumper you will see a further 2 of these screws which need removing, on each end of the valance there is 1 x torx screw. On each side in the wheel arch there are 3 more screws, 1 at the bottom 1 level with where the valance meets the bumper and the final 1 is at an awkward angle right in the corner where the bumper meets the wing. I found it easier to get to these ones by jacking the car up.
Thats all the screws removed, the entire bumper should now slide away from the car, I would advise that you postion a couple of blocks to sit it on as you need to unplug the number plate lights before it is fully removed (you can do the RPA's at the same time).
Seperating the 2 parts is quite straight forward, pick one end and using a plastic spreader/wedge hold the bumper while pulling the valance toward you, repeat this on the opposite side then simply work your way around.......
Although you can remove the valance with the bumper in situe, it is much easier to refit with the bumper off, as you need to get behind them both the ensure the clips are secure. To refit the valance I started in the middle to make sure it was lined up, then worked my way round each side.
One thing I did notice, due to the squarer bottom of the GTi valance, the arch liner doesn't quite fit, it doesn't bother me to much, but for a tip top job you will need to replace both liners with ones from a GTI.
When I get a chance I will add a few pictures of screw locations.
HTH, Lee.