All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

My Gti History. WARNING contains gratuitous images of a Mk1 & Mk2

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Lovin this thread :happy2:

Lovin that 159 Mick as they are stunning to look at maybe not to own or drive  :wink:

The Silver scooby was nice too, not sure about the rear lights mind!  :confused:


--- Quote from: Very Cherry on April 11, 2009, 04:09:22 pm ---you know, i feel like a parent.... watching the pot plants in front of your garage grow over time in the background  :grin:

--- End quote ---

Just for you VC ...  :grin:

Be amazed how many times I kick the bloody things over tho, as I pull down the
door and try to dodge any rain water thats been trapped.  :rolleye:

Nathan. A lot of folk didn't really like the "Lexus" style lights on my Scoob but I liked em and they were all the rage back in 2002. :happy2:


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