After a few years with the Scoob and spending a fortune on Brembo Brakes, Prodrive Alloys and a stainless ex with a 3" Afterburner back Box, I decided it was time to return to the fold.
The first image is of a “Fill in†car I bought to tide me over whilst the R32 was being built. The “R†was my first brand new car and the 3 month wait was excruciating. Having had so much fun in the Scoobies I wanted to stick with 4WD and also get back to German build quality. Driving this 1.6 was purgatory after having the Scoob.

I received a call from the salesman one morning to say my car had arrived and was in PD and did I want to see it?
I remember saying something like “Do bears sh…â€Â! etc.? I shot over there as quick as the white shed would carry me.

This was a bit of a mistake really as it turned out to be a bit like I’d imagine being shown Kylie Minogue naked in
front of me and not being aloud to touch her for a week. I had to wait 8 whole days before I could take delivery because of the new reg. The Number has my initials on it and would be used on the following cars too.
Within a week of taking deliver I had the cars front end covered with “Armourfend†It certainly helped keep the chips off.

As much as I loved the R, there was allways a feeling that you could never quite trust it to be thrown into a corner with the same kind of comitment as the Scooby. It allways seemd a bit too front heavy. Next we turn to burning oil…. Why, I’ll never know