General > Photography Section

Graffiti wall.

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Does it go up kerbs then?


^ Stunning! Absolutely stunning photograph - A real piece of art. I love how it all merges together.  :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

I don't agree with Hedge and SteveP - This pic is very exciting and original.

Feck me I only said they weren't my cup of tea, in my opinion.  :sad1:

Saint Steve:
Everyone has different opinions Ian, i wouldnt take it to heart mate :happy2:


--- Quote from: Hedge on August 30, 2011, 05:34:53 pm ---
Feck me I only said they weren't my cup of tea, in my opinion.  :sad1:

--- End quote ---

....No offence intended, Ian -  :smiley: - I'm just expressing my opinion.


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