when considering what you want to use them for, i don't quite understand this discussion

Considering you are going to take your 12k£? car with minimum 200bhp to a track you are going budget on the tyres??

Why not just run octane 92, cheaper, less horsepower and use the saved money on a bit better tyres?

Another consideration: You are going to a track day to have fun, learn more about handling your car, and as i understand it, you will use these tyres for track day only?
This means you want to learn above the cars abilities for normal road driving, why on earth will you restrict thatexperience by going budget on the only thing saving yous a** from the grass??Tyres and brakes should have your highest priority, off course only IMHO
BTW i have had them, shi**y tyre, and a 10 year old design