Personally if your not an Av-phobe and not to bothered about plasma or LED then I would still suggest plasma simply for the price! You have a very very good budget there and you can get something which sounds like it will suit your needs for nearly half your budget.
As for TV something like this wouldn't go a miss -
Pro's - LG, 3D, 42", 3HDMI (Only 1080i not full 1080p - would you want full HD?/Could you tell the difference), Build in Freeview HD, Cheap. for a surround sound then a BluRay system would be a nice addition to that TV, obviously my suggestion is as requested and the same make however I personally find a seperate amp and speaker package works better - not that isnt a god package as the sound clarity is awesome 9actual heard this exact make/model)
Pro's - BluRay, 3DTV BluRay Player, NetCast & DLNA (See Below), price, same make.
£639.90Plus I'm 99% certain both devices are compatible with the LG Remote App for the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch
NetCast - Net cast from what i remember is bascially what all new Internet TV's seam to be using, it alloys you to access a few online services such as BBC iPlayer, YouTube and a few other web based services like Google's Picassa Web! Plus you can also check your local 7 day weather forecast!
DLNA - Think of the top of my head this is what your wanting, with this built in to the 3DBluRay Player you simply connect it to your home network (think it;s Ethernet though not wireless) and it allows you to stream content from your Home PC, laptop Network Storage drives etc. So as long as your home PC is on and this is connect then you can stream all your music without connecting the two devices together physically. Plus it has the usual extras like USB!
Home this helps! and it was just 2 quick suggestions! obviously the more I spread your budget the bigger/better the specs goes but no point wasting an additional £700 if you wont see/hear the changes!
Feel free to change stuff anyone or pick on my suggestions ;)