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Author Topic: Pro-shine Waterless Wash and Wax  (Read 1108 times)

Offline Horatio

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Pro-shine Waterless Wash and Wax
« on: September 04, 2011, 01:02:18 pm »
Hi guys and gurls.

Been using this stuff for quite some time with some really good results.  When I got my new Ed30 I foolishly bought into the VW 'Willaims Racing developed' paint protection/sealant. On my last car I had it done and washed up new every time. Having spent some time reading around the forum now I feel a little cheated as I could have spend that money else where having all the chips and dents repaired, which the salesman was adament could not be repaired/fixed, which would have included the paint sealant.  :sad1:

Anyways, my initial question was going to be, has anyone used this product before and what do they think? Would this take off the protective sealant I had applied???

Thanks in advance

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