Carl & Lee should of seen this before from my Briskoda post, but for those who haven't this is my experience of them:
Right now I have my winter wheels back (my parents live about 15 miles from them so my dad offered to take them and get them done as I am over 200 miles away from them) the verdict? well worth the £20 per wheel they charged for them to be done, one wheel however is quite poor on the inside (lacquer flaky) If I had collected them then I would of got them to do this one again, but as i said it is on the inside so it's not the end of the world.
On account these are 'only' winter wheels I am happy with the finish, ATEOTD these are 13 year old wheels that were very badly corroded, not helped by being stored in a garden for the last .... who knows. They were however all straight and with no kerb damage on them, which is just as well as from my experience with city powder coaters they do not repair any damage on the wheels (there are a couple of corrosion marks on one of the alloys that IMO could of easily been repaired with very little effort - but when they are only charging £20 a wheel they obviously cant afford to spend too long on each wheel.
So would I get them do do another set??
If they were either winter wheels as these are or to tart a car up to sell then yes they are more than good enough for that, if however I had some curbed alloys that I wanted to look like new again or I was OCD about my wheels then would pay the extra and go with someone who specialises in wheel repairs.
However after my bad experience from one of the countries supposedly best wheel re-furbishers, am I considering getting the Golf's wheels done at citypowdercoaters.