Nice pics Uncle T
I dont feel its about the camera. I had a 2 mega pixel minolta dimage X for about 7 years and it was ancient yet I won competitions that many proffesionals were in who had SLR's. Its not all about the camera.
Some tips:
- Never have a car centred in a picture unless it looks good ie straight on, side on or rear on

- Try place the car in the corners of the pictures. This gives a dramatic effect like your 3rd pic which I reckon is awesome.
- Focus. Cameras battle to focus on cars because of the different angles and bodywork. In this case the graffiti is sharp and your car seems a bit blurred out.... Using your camera you should point to the car and push the button (Shutter button) down half way so it focuses (usually also make a sound) but dont take the picture. Then move the camera to say the left of the car (like your 3rd pic) and then once you holding the camera still push the shutter down the rest of the way and let it take the picture. That way your car remains in focus and remains the focal point of the picture.
- Dont bother about mega pixels.... Its a marketing trick. Bother about iso, shutter speeds, aperture and what scenes a camera has before buying. Also refer to my post on "what camera to buy" as found on like page 6.
- Try a program called Irfan View. Its quick, free and easy to download (Run a google search) and it does everything that Photoshop can but just not as technical and precise.