Voted - 57 Plate (import) started going after just under 2 years. Took it to local VW dealer (Alan Day) as thought it was still in warranty (you only get 2 yrs from manufacturer as std in EU). Had a bit of a shocker though, as warranty starts from when car sold in original country, and as it took about a month to get to UK I was out of warranty by about 2 weeks

. Read the small print!!
Dealers were incredibly helpful (with some very GTi friendly members of the service dept) & very sympathetic of the warranty date bombshell. Together built a case that it was clearly a known fault with the model (based largely on evidence on sites like this one) & that the warranty was largely irrelevant as goods sold were therefore not of an acceptable standard. VW didn't argue too much & made an offer of 100% of parts cost and 75% labour (I think that is right, might have been other way around, but either way it was good enough that I took it with fact I bit their hand off) on the full mechatronics replacement and replacement front bushes at the same time (which had also completely gone).
My mood went as follows:-
Car playing up...looks like mechatronics per the boards

Oh well - warranty still valid, better get to garage (what a pain, time off work)

What do you mean warranty just expired???

Oh God, the bill

Worth arguing the case...guys here seem quite helpful

How much are they offering off the bill??

Thanks VW and Alan Day - both now have a new loyal customer (despite problems wth original product)

I love my car