Ive got a candy white 08 plate ed30 with 23k on the clock and its pretty much immaculate bar the usual stone chips. Its got a forge CAI, dumpvale and GIAC map, but i want more.
I,ve always had red cars upto this one, and nearly did buy a red ed30 but the candy one came up at the right price. Now........ ive expressed an interest in a red ed30 that has had alot of work in the way of modifications done to it, for pretty much a straight swap, its a 57 plate and done a wee bit more mileage, the car in question used to be on here, cohibas maybe (i think ive spelt that wrong).
whats peoples thoughts?
A spec of the red one from memory is
APR HP fuel pump
Uprated in tank pump
APR full system TB
Neuspeed front and rear ARB
Whiteline anti lift kit
KW v3 coilovers
OZ ultraleggra alloys
APR front mount
Volkswagen racing engine mounts
GIAC remap
Boost gauge with steering coloum pod
uprated clutch and Quaiffe Diff
Tarox 10 pot brakes
Audi S3 rear brakes
DBlias air intake
and a pic after i detailed it