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Author Topic: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....  (Read 82899 times)

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #330 on: October 16, 2011, 07:19:07 pm »
What should i expect with TBE, HPFP, Twintake,S3 Cooler and soon to have RS4 valve? Im running bluefin on my Eddy??

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #331 on: October 16, 2011, 07:54:12 pm »
Here are a few pics from the RR day, I didn't get very click happy

And a video of mine running (click for 1080p)

All taken with my new shiny Canon SX230
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 08:00:07 pm by Nodz »

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #332 on: October 16, 2011, 07:56:49 pm »
i wish some1 had a vid of mine on the rollers she certainly sounded sweet  :evilgrin:

Had the ED30, but not got the balls.

Mk5 silver 5door Ed30 1707- now sold
Mk6 silver 3door Golf R- current

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #333 on: October 16, 2011, 08:01:00 pm »
i wish some1 had a vid of mine on the rollers she certainly sounded sweet  :evilgrin:

She did, even better in the tunnel on the way back

Saint Steve

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #334 on: October 16, 2011, 08:09:16 pm »
Another day of car faults @ JKM then?  :signLOL:

Nice to see everyone today... Jurys out of whether i have Clutch Pack issues or not. After running 275bhp on a toned down Stage 2 Bluefin Map with 320 Ilb ft of torque. Could not replicate the fault that Jim from JKM was concluding too. He said its only the 2nd Ed30 to show these symtoms with issues with getting the revs down on the rollers on throttle up.. It maybe something as simple as the ESP interferring on throttle up, as mine sometimes with the ESP on , on new tyres, cuts the power off and you almost headbutt the steering wheel!! :fighting:

All i know is Dwaine's 309 bhp Revo car, couldnt make ground on the motorway on me , so i know she's pulling like a train and not showing signs of any kind of clutch slip.. Im just going to enjoy the car as she is  :smiley:

Weird Fault with Alex's car, but on closer questioning, alex error'd loading the map apon origonal Load up, and by the sounds of it, has corrupted the install.Kind of like my car did last time out when it ran stock power!.

Bloody hell Steve, you better pull your finger out before Robin catches you with his little K03.. He's only 10bhp behind you..  :signLOL:

She is looking rather mint though mate, have to say..  :drool:
Cheers Ben.
I need a new fuel pump hense why my map was turned down towards stage 1 by superchips after my request too.

Robin cant keep up with me on the road, as he has told me, so my 275bhp result i know isnt a true reflection on how the car goes on the road .
Dilema is do i buy a new stock fuel pump and put Phylis back on stage 2 code and Risk my Clutches in my dsg as Jim at jkm suggests might be why she was playing silly buggers on the rollers.I cannot get the clutches to slip no matter how hard i try on the road  :confused:

Hes only seen 2 edition 30's do this, mine and hedges old Edition 30 with funny enough, a Superchips map at the same state of tune.

Untill the day she shows signs of slipping with the map on, will be the time to say fairwell to the old girl i feel,  but for the minute , i will continue to enjoy the car for as long as possible untill the day im forced to sell due to a clutch bill which i cannot afford nor justify.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 08:31:15 pm by Saint Steve »

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #335 on: October 16, 2011, 08:15:01 pm »
I might be way out here... but if your clutch was slipping it would do so at peak torque. Once the clutch re-enganges it should 'stick' past maximum BHP, so the RR should still read maximum BHP.

I might be wrong.... quite possibly very wrong... but just my thoughts on the matter.

Saint Steve

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #336 on: October 16, 2011, 08:18:54 pm »
Where the clutches are at most stress is on the steepest part of my torque curve, ie coming onto boost rich, hense when jim was trying to get my run in 4th underway,couldnt get the revs to steady without them being erractic.

I know in the past he said my vreds tyres were slipping on a previous RR day, but i know mandy also runs the same tyres but im sure she runs alot less PSI then i set mine at AFAIK.

My Bluefin maps torque is 320 lb ft, the same as Dwaine's Stage 2 Revo with intake, and mandys revo 2 is alot lower in torque for some reason... :confused:

All i want is a flat torque curve without a nasty spike,which wont do my dsg very good.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 08:23:23 pm by Saint Steve »

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #337 on: October 16, 2011, 08:34:29 pm »
I might be way out here... but if your clutch was slipping it would do so at peak torque. Once the clutch re-enganges it should 'stick' past maximum BHP, so the RR should still read maximum BHP.

I might be wrong.... quite possibly very wrong... but just my thoughts on the matter.
That is correct, my result is pretty much what i expected, but after 6 or 7 goes reving the back off her, im sure heat soak was starting to effect my result Rich with a lower then previous stage 1 result for me on the same rollers as before.

Offline Sunglasses Ron

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #338 on: October 16, 2011, 08:54:17 pm »
If it makes you feel any better Steve, my Eddie never showed ANY sign of slippage in 80k, Stage 2+ and over 150 1/4 mile runs..  :rolleye: Plus John's only started showings signs when sending laughing gas through it's heart at over 520lb/ft..  :rolleye:
So yours should be fine mate..  :happy2:
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 08:56:53 pm by Sunglasses Ron »

Offline Carrera2RS

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #339 on: October 16, 2011, 09:23:28 pm »
Just to update you guys. My car is only stage 2 Revo 6,5,9 last time it was running poorly with the twintercooler, just wouldn't pull past 6k, now back to stock cooler and still 6,5,9 it runs sweetly again and much quicker on the road.

293 was Saturdays figure, I expected 300+ but only based on the last dyno run. I am very happy with how she pulls and drives so still no plans for an ITG. Robins twintercooler sounded nice though when on the road.

I think the dyno was a few hp generous last time ?

Ill post my graphs when I'm back home

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #340 on: October 16, 2011, 09:25:03 pm »
Carrera are you running stock intake? Just a TBE and stage 2 Revo?

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #341 on: October 16, 2011, 09:32:05 pm »
Yep, panel filter K&N, Plus Miltek TBE, forge DV, Revo stage 2

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #342 on: October 16, 2011, 09:35:28 pm »
Well heres an odd thing....just logged the car. Peak MAF is 247.97, which by my calculations works out to 309.96

That leaves me a little confused that they got 248 on the rollers, when the MAF calculation says otherwise and more like what it should be

Confused isn't the word!!!

Though it does feel a little flat in 3rd gear so Im to assume something isn't right....but it don't really know if it is or isn't at this point  :stupid:

If ya airflow is there but power isn't that wouldn't mean you're running lean would it?
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Offline alackofspeed

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #343 on: October 16, 2011, 10:43:17 pm »
Well heres an odd thing....just logged the car. Peak MAF is 247.97, which by my calculations works out to 309.96

That leaves me a little confused that they got 248 on the rollers, when the MAF calculation says otherwise and more like what it should be

Confused isn't the word!!!

Though it does feel a little flat in 3rd gear so Im to assume something isn't right....but it don't really know if it is or isn't at this point  :stupid:

I think to get a full picture you need to log more than just MAF airflow. Maybe get a full suite of data (MAF, MAP, ignition angle, injector duty, fuel pressure, AFR ), and post it on here for some useful public scrutiny. Probably won't harm for sending on to your calibration file provider too.

Out of curiousity what was your AFR like at JKM?

If you want a really unscientific test, you could try a 3rd gear run against my car (Shark Stg1 K03) - if your car is really making 248 (what's the torque BTW?), then it should be pretty even, but if yesterday's dyno time was a transient oddity, you'll romp away.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 10:47:14 pm by alackofspeed »

Offline Sunglasses Ron

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Re: JKM Rolling Road - 15th October 2011....
« Reply #344 on: October 16, 2011, 10:46:31 pm »
Yep, panel filter K&N, Plus Miltek TBE, forge DV, Revo stage 2

That's exactly what mine was for a good year or so and it's a great combination and makes for a quick car IMO.. Only went with the intake when Stage 2+..