ok my turn for an update.............
Like Alex's car, ive also had issues with so called "feeling of Clutch slip" from my rolling road day on saturday.
My car has had lots of remap issues in the past, the last was when i tried applying a stage 2 map, my Stock fuel pump accoarding to the fuel logs, was not supplying 109.99 bar of fuel pressure , and in some cases , only managing as low as 75bar, which was making me feel in the car that it felt like it was pulling back under load.
I then approached Superchips for a resolution, and they then "played" with my remap, and sent it back, and after re-logging, the fuel pressures and my engine Timing issues appeared to have recovered and show that alls well....
Alex at this point contacted SC, and gave them my serial number of handset, and asked for my revamped map to loaded to his handset, as it appeared to be showing all was running better on mine.
At JKm on saturday how ever, my car appeared to show symptoms of Clutch slip, where Jim had alot of attempts to get my car to spin up in 4th gear, without the rev's running away with its self.
I up to this point, hadnt seen any signs of clutch slip on the road, and was abit bermused when jim said , theres a problem. He said this was the 2nd time he had seen this happen to a dsg Ed30 and the other was Hedge's old car..
I decided today to try and replicate this fault, and sure enough, on a step hill, in 2nd gear, managed to get the rev's to do the same as jim had noticed on the dyno.. which i then started thinking the worst, and thoughts of im gonna have to get shot of this car , because a clutch pack repair bill would of been close to £2000

Took the car home, went in and loaded back the stock map, and went for another test drive and couldnt get any sort of clutch slipping symtoms, and at factory torque of around 250 lb ft, wasnt showing signs of an issue whilst in Stock mode.
So After having various chats with Alex and Hedge over the weekend, i decided to call Superchips, and ask for a completely new Remap, scrapping what i had, and see if the full fat remap at stage 2 would eat my clutch,or make the fault more prenounced as you would think it should.
I was advised by Ian (hedge) that they do a Torque limited remap, that caps the torque level at around 280 lb ft, but also makes the cars power delivery more linear in delivery.
I also decided to do a DSG reset of the clutches, to see if also poor clamping pressures were a cause. I found a link from Ross Tech from this site, and followed the instructions including a long winded test drive running all gears from 2nd 3rd,4th, 5th,6th for 5 minute spells to see if that would help.This was done with the car in Stock, before i downloaded the replacement remap from SC.I have never done this before to the car, after 40k miles, i thought it was worth a punt.
Anyway, loaded the new stage 2 map, and took out for a test drive drive

!!!!! There is no slippage whatsoever!, gear changes are now smooth as silk, power delivery is super smooth right to the red line, with no Flatspot at around 3000-3500 which ive always put down to my stock oem fuel pump being worn out and needing a replacement,hense the reason why i ask SC for a toned down Stage 2 map to cure my issues in the 1st place!!!.
Turns out the map has been at fault , and that a "Overboost Styled" map was sent which gives my RR results a nasty spike!

Alex got my duff remap , so hense why also he's having issues too.
We will know shortly from alex, if his car is fixed and he's finally got a stage 2 map that works!!
Im very happy the car is now 100%, and not gonna be put in the classifieds as it was at 10am this morning

Oh and incase your wondering, its a hell of quicker then before!!!!!