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--- Quote from: RedRobin on November 09, 2008, 11:07:34 am ---....

I'm a smartass who went to an English Public School and so I don't need a spellchecker coz I no how to spell like. :evilgrin:

I hate any software which tries to second guess what I'm writing. I don't use predictive text on mobile phones either.


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the firefox one only underlines (very faint too) anything it thinks is wrong, it wont manually change anything unless you right click, so its quite unobtrusive


--- Quote from: 182_blue on November 09, 2008, 12:12:55 pm ---the firefox one only underlines (very faint too) anything it thinks is wrong, it wont manually change anything unless you right click, so its quite unobtrusive

--- End quote ---

....But I find even faintly underlining words to be obtrusive. I'm always adapting words to better describe, and they invariably are seen as mispellings. For example, words like "loooong".


--- Quote from: Top Cat on November 09, 2008, 11:36:35 am ---I know what you mean about software trying to second guess what you write. I bet you only have to write one letter and it changes your text to Carbon, Miltek, and my dealers great. 

--- End quote ---


You're obviously not using it either : - Milltek has two "L's" and apostrophe in "dealer's" meaning my dealer is great.


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