General > Photography Section

Pixlromatic app

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big al:
Would be cool to see some older VW's using this app, could trick a few people with it though. :happy2:


--- Quote from: big al on October 15, 2011, 09:26:10 pm ---Would be cool to see some older VW's using this app, could trick a few people with it though. :happy2:

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Beetles & Karmanns?  :happy2:

Tound it for Android.
Played around with a pic I took of an Italian Taxi I spotted waiting for a fare in Edinburgh.

And a mate of mine on a night out.....

copyright Gotham Gazette.


--- Quote from: Bane on October 16, 2011, 11:06:53 pm ---Tound it for Android.
Played around with a pic I took of an Italian Taxi I spotted waiting for a fare in Edinburgh.

And a mate of mine on a night out.....

copyright Gotham Gazette.

--- End quote ---

What's it called on Android Bane? Ta  :happy2:


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