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Author Topic: Team Dynamics Pro Race 1.2 - lacquer issue  (Read 9910 times)

Offline rex

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Re: Team Dynamics Pro Race 1.2 - lacquer issue
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2013, 04:26:12 pm »
i agree with rex that it smacks a bit of a company shirking its responsibility. warranty or not there is clearly a problem with the product which could have fairly easily been fixed by the company. considering that now rex won't be buying another set, and it has put me off TDs and maybe other forum members as well, they stood to lose more by not offering a solution.

Agree 100%!

However the wheels are nearly 2 years old and the warranty is a year.
A years warranty is more than many places, as most don't offer any warranty on finish at all!
While the possible losses may seem high would you take a TV back to a shop after 2 years, assuming it had a years warranty, and demand a refund? Or more importantly kick up a fuss if they said no.
How many people would actually buy a new set of TD wheels anyway as opposed to used.. very few.

I agree with you also!
BUT, they are invoking a technicality because there is no doubt there is something wrong with these wheels. By not doing anything I really have to consider how many other claims like this they have and how much customer satisfaction means to them.
I know it is my fault for not saying anything sooner but the first lacquer issues was on the inside of the wheel and that did not bother me (and these were custom made and the time to replace them would have messed up my plans and season). I used the tires only for track days and so they haven't seen much action in the first year in particular (when I had the engine issues and the car was not used at all). So, because I know I should have said something sooner I won't make a big case out of this. I just wanted to see if anybody had a similar experience with TD's and what would the manufacturer say about the issue. If they say it's my fault for not reporting sooner, that fine...
As I said, the list of the people who buy new TD's just got a little bit shorter...

Thanks guys!  :notworthy:

Offline BlackMk5Gti

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Re: Team Dynamics Pro Race 1.2 - lacquer issue
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2014, 01:50:58 am »
What do you use to wash your wheels? It may be corrosive

Offline rex

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Re: Team Dynamics Pro Race 1.2 - lacquer issue
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2014, 12:52:22 pm »
I use the same solutiom for all by wheels and my cars. So that's not the problem. It's the low quality of the wheels, for sure.