All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

Gone but not forgotten :-(

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--- Quote from: Greenouse on March 31, 2009, 02:36:14 pm ---Sad times!  :laugh:

Why a Mini?  :confused:

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Cheap on tax, cheap to insure, cheap to run!

--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on March 31, 2009, 02:38:32 pm ---i like that coulour mini and it looks good with the cooper works wheels

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Thanks buddy.  I only bought it cos of the way it looked.  A standard one just wouldn't cut it!

--- Quote from: WhiteGTI on March 31, 2009, 02:39:48 pm ---Ahh I had those wheels on my MINI! Nice!!

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Thanks mate.  Wheels are a fortune from the Stealer.

--- Quote from: mixit on March 31, 2009, 02:54:01 pm ---How long did you get away with those plates m8  :smiley:

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12 months mate!

loves those RS6 reps on a mk5  :drool: :drool:

mini....why..... :confused:

ex mini owner here too JCW 210bhp  :driver: that car was such fun in the corners

Sorry nobber, just realise it put the  :laugh: smiley instead of the  :sad:  :signIWS:

Hope your enjoyin the new mota!  :happy2:

The Golf was my weekend toy driven daily by my g/f.  She used to do about 3 miles per day tops in it and in the nearly 3 years I owned it we put 10k on the clock.  It wasn't used enough to warrant the cost and I also needed the capital tied up in it to put towards my new company car as work have changed the scheme on me  :sad:

So by changing the Golf for the Mini means I can release the funds I need to get me the car I want rather than having the weekend toy, which in theory never got used at the weekends anyway!



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