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Rear Bench removal

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Can anyone ( Jonnyc ) or anyone else that's done it, please give me some indication of how easy it is to remove the rear seat from an 06 GTi? Greenouse and I will be doing just that soon when we swap interiors and I'm a bit worried about needing any particular tools or knowledge.

Cheers in advance  :smiley:

You'll need some 6 pointed and 12 pointed star drives (torx?) can't remember the sizes.

There's a small one on the middle hinge for the upright, accessed from the boot and found under a plastic cover. Undo this and then pull off the metal bracket to release. Wiggle the upright's pins out of their slots in the sides of the car.

Then, you'll have to undo the bolt for the middle seatbelt, tricky to get at, but you'll see it.

Base just pulls out with a bit of a twist.


--- Quote from: tony_danza on March 31, 2009, 03:16:40 pm ---You'll need some 6 pointed and 12 pointed star drives (torx?) can't remember the sizes.

There's a small one on the middle hinge for the upright, accessed from the boot and found under a plastic cover. Undo this and then pull off the metal bracket to release. Wiggle the upright's pins out of their slots in the sides of the car.

Then, you'll have to undo the bolt for the middle seatbelt, tricky to get at, but you'll see it.

Base just pulls out with a bit of a twist.

--- End quote ---

just going to say that  :signLOL: so greenouse is having your seat  :signLOL:

Actually, come to think of it I'm taking mine out tomorrow for the track day on Saturday. I'll get some pics and a decent guide.


--- Quote from: tony_danza on March 31, 2009, 04:49:32 pm ---Actually, come to think of it I'm taking mine out tomorrow for the track day on Saturday. I'll get some pics and a decent guide.

--- End quote ---

Nice one  :happy2:


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