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Author Topic: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail  (Read 3031 times)

Offline RussZS

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Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« on: September 04, 2011, 12:37:27 pm »
This lovely example of a Lupo GTI belongs to the wife of my mate who owns the 5 door Golf GTI 'show car' which I detailed a few months ago (its won a few awards this season - congrats Al :thumb:)

The car itself is in generally very good condition for a 10 year old car, but the flat black paint had very obvious swirling and scratches (visible in natural daylight) and the car needed some protection.

Please note that the wheels are for sale and being replaced with original Lupo GTI wheels, which are being refurbed by A1 Wheels in Anthracite, which will be on the car after I have protected them, mid next week.

I actually started the car last weekend, but got rained off just before I started the correction process, but this meant I was able to play with the new Meguiars D300 and MF DA System, which I'd purchased last week from Tim@CYC (thanks Tim!).

I also took the opportunity to test out some more Auto Finesse products, so I'll add thoughts and comments on these too...

So, to start off, some befores...

P1050967 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050968 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050972 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050973 by RussZS, on Flickr

As ever, I started with the wheels.

First off, I rinsed the wheels and arches with my Karcher X5.700:

P1050974 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050975 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next up, I used Auto Finesse Imperial Wheel Cleaner and consciously worked quickly given the potentially delicate nature of the polished part of the wheels.

P1050976 by RussZS, on Flickr

Applied liberally - I like the way this product foams up, it's very easy to work with

P1050977 by RussZS, on Flickr

Worked with an Envy Brush and Wheel Woolies:

P1050978 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050979 by RussZS, on Flickr

Tyres and Arches were dealt with via Autosmart G101 @ 4:1

P1050981 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050983 by RussZS, on Flickr

Lots of dirt in the upper part of the arch:

P1050984 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050985 by RussZS, on Flickr


P1050986 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next I worked around the car with G101@10:1 and dealt with the shuts, petrol cap, etc etc:

P1050987 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050990 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050991 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050992 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050993 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050994 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050995 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050996 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1050998 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060001 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060004 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060006 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060007 by RussZS, on Flickr

Grill cleaned with Wheel Woolies and G101:

P1060008 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next, the whole car was rinsed, then washed with a lambswool wash mitt and Auto Finesse Lather.  Lather has impressed me to the point where I have sold off all but one of my other shampoos - I love it that much!  It cleans very well, foams up well, clings well and rinses very cleanly.  Perfect shampoo for my personal taste:

P1060009 by RussZS, on Flickr

Car all washed - looking better already :)

P1060010 by RussZS, on Flickr

I then clayed the car with BH Auto Clay Soft and Water with a dash of Lather as lube (which worked really well!)

P1060012 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060013 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060014 by RussZS, on Flickr

The Lupo was then rewashed, rinsed and dried with Uber Drying Towels:

P1060015 by RussZS, on Flickr

I then went round the car with my Aeolus 901 removing any trapped, excess water:

P1060016 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060017 by RussZS, on Flickr

Straight away, the freshly cleaned car was beginning to show up the issues with the paintwork, in the bright Sun:

P1060021 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060022 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060024 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060025 by RussZS, on Flickr


At this point, I got rained off :mad::mad::censored:

So, I returned again today, to pick up where I left off.

The car was still very clean, so I quickly cleaned the wheels, tyres and arches with G101.

I then got to try out one of my new products - Auto Finesse Citrus Power, which I used on the dead insects on the front of the car and the wing mirrors:

P1060115 by RussZS, on Flickr

No pics of it in action I'm afraid, but it was VERY effective at breaking the bugs down, which simply rinsed away with a quick blast from my pressure washer - it's a very promising product.

Dried again with an Uber Drying Towel:

P1060116 by RussZS, on Flickr

Few cheeky pics of my Golf with Al's...

P1060118 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060119 by RussZS, on Flickr

(I really need those Xenons!!!)

I then assessed the paint on the car, to see what I had to play with.

I was getting generally healthy readings of 160 ish over most of the car:

P1060034 by RussZS, on Flickr

However, there was some evidence of paint on the rear NS wing:

P1060037 by RussZS, on Flickr

------------------- -

I used to be indecisive.......... but now I'm not so sure!

Offline RussZS

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Re: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2011, 12:38:15 pm »
As mentioned at the beginning of this write up, I took the opportunity to have a play with Meguiars new MF system on this car (after trying it on my own yesterday, of course!)

So a CYC DAS-6 Pro:

P1060176 by RussZS, on Flickr

Meguiars D300 Compound:

P1060177 by RussZS, on Flickr

and various cutting pads:

P1060178 by RussZS, on Flickr

Paint before...

P1060123 by RussZS, on Flickr

Now, after briefly having a play with Scholl S17 on a White SSP last time, and getting about 80% correction via Rotary, this surprised me....

P1060121 by RussZS, on Flickr


That's without refining too...


P1060122 by RussZS, on Flickr

Very, very impressive!  I won't go into my thoughts on this system here, I'll do a specific review, but it's very impressive and certainly has its place, but I need to have more of a play to find a way to tackle RDS's, as a rotary is a lot more effective, at least based on my experience level, and you really do need to keep the pads clean and primed, or the performance drops off.  I think coming from a rotary to this system is more of a sideways step, but its a great system for somebody looking to step up from a frustrating DA experience, to something which will cut a lot more effectively, but the system is quite fussy, so requires you to follow the instructions pretty much to the letter.  I'd suggest buying a fair few pads too, as I was preferring to use a new one every panel or two, despite cleaning the pads with a Megs Triple Duty brush.

Anyway, some more correction pics:

Note the difference in colour (right side polished)

P1060132 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060133 by RussZS, on Flickr

This is the resprayed panel:

P1060136 by RussZS, on Flickr

Deeper RDS remain:

P1060137 by RussZS, on Flickr

Roof before:

P1060138 by RussZS, on Flickr


P1060140 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060145 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060146 by RussZS, on Flickr

Post polishing pics, no LSP at this stage...

P1060153 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060155 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060157 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060161 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060162 by RussZS, on Flickr

Boot before:

P1060164 by RussZS, on Flickr


P1060165 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060167 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060173 by RussZS, on Flickr

Once I'd finished polishing, there was a fair bit of dust on the paintwork, so I decided to rinse it off.  At this point, I was very impressed with the beading on the paintwork from the polishing stage

P1060181 by RussZS, on Flickr

Auto Finesse Triple was then used to cleanse the door shuts and sills:

P1060183 by RussZS, on Flickr

I finished up with Auto Finesse Crystal on the glass and Auto Finesse Gloss on the tyres.

I then used Auto Finesse Passion on the paint work.  Like the other AF waxes, it smells lovely and was a pleasure to use.  Some afters:

P1060184 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060186 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060189 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060190 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060191 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060192 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060193 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060194 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060195 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060196 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060198 by RussZS, on Flickr

P1060203 by RussZS, on Flickr

That's it for today!

However, I'm not quite finished, so when the wheels are back I need to go and seal them for Tash, and at the same time, I need to sort the plastic trim with Auto Finesse Revive, which I should hopefully have by mid next week.  I also need to correct under the door handles and spend some time polishing the exhausts with wire wool (I'm all out!).  I may also seal the glass with Carlack if there's time.

Cheers for letting me loose on your beloved Lupo Tash and enjoy Ed38! :)

Thanks for reading!!

Russ. -

I used to be indecisive.......... but now I'm not so sure!

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Re: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2011, 12:54:00 pm »
 :notworthy: :congrats: :congrats:

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Re: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2011, 01:02:50 pm »
Good work mate looks the dogs danglies!!   :congrats:

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Re: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2011, 03:55:56 pm »
Top class!  :jumpmove:

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Re: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2011, 04:03:05 pm »
P.s where is that towel from!?

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Re: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2011, 04:37:52 pm »
Very good finish indeed!  :congrats:

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Re: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2011, 12:43:24 pm »
Fantastic work again Russ, Tash is over the moon with it, even though it was covered in rain yesterday morning the beading looked fantastic and the paint just shines! :happy2:

Offline JoeDarKa

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Re: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2011, 07:10:58 pm »
Looks absolutely brilliant! Want to do mine?!  :drool:

GT Sport - Reflex Silver 2.0 TDI My Build

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Re: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2011, 09:40:15 am »
flippin awesome work

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Re: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2011, 09:26:13 pm »
 :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Mk5 GTI + Lupo GTI = Happy Schnaffler

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Re: Mrs Al's Lupo GTI - Correction Detail
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2011, 08:15:54 pm »
Love the finished result. Am becoming impressed over some of the Auto Finesse stuff. I kinda had a look at the stuff on their stand at Inters but wasn't really taken by any of it.

The GTI isn't just a machine. It's very much a living, breathing thing.