Finally sold off all my 106 mods, so purchased a few little bits for the VeeDub!
Cheeky VW crown sticker put in my Rear view, will look out for other suitable stickers which are both nice, neat and amusing... recommendations welcome!
Bonnet bra fitted and came in handy for my drive to cornwall on a late holiday trip, although car certainly needs a good wash/wax/polish!!
another thing i hadn't considered was a badgeless grill expecting them to be £50+ like most things VW, but to my surprise a mere £20 meant i have one of those now,
which is fitted but needs to be taken back off for spraying and finishing off.. and while i am at it, will rub down rear boot badge and work on that with the MK4 Black badge on top
SPAX 40mm springs ready to go on, just need to find time to get her booked in to have it done, cant be bothered with DIY

De-badge rear if there are no holes behind the letters i assume?
should be at a stage where i am happy with it then, although i am considering 16" steelie wheels rather then alloys, simply due to price and being a poor young man....
will be able to make a small claim to a euroish look with them, although it will never be anything compared to euro- not enough money for that either... :)
updates with pics once springs are on and she has been washed!