Sounds like the Blueflame is the one to buy then. I was think of getting just a cat-back milly originally, but think i might go for a TBE-Blueflame instead now.
I hope its not drowny loud though...i need it as an everyday usable car.
How different is it to a standard ed30 sound, also i presume £768 is for a resonated right?
Cheers Guys :)
Yes that price is for the resonated, when Mat asked them for the non-res they pulled a face like this

They advised him to try the res first and see what he thinks.
About 3 weeks after Mat said thank Fook i didnt go for the non res

The Blueflame does not have the back box that is on the milly and the standard car. Which makes it a fair bit lighter as well.
My advice would be get in a car with one fitted, then make your choice.