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Author Topic: Wet floor on passengers side  (Read 1448 times)

Offline treesimon

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Wet floor on passengers side
« on: September 21, 2011, 05:01:18 pm »
Today while hoovering the car out I notice that there was bubbles of water being pulled up through the carpet.

Only on the paassenger side but in both rear and front footwells. It's not soaking wet just damp could notice it until hoovering.

Ive checked the boot vents behind the bumper incase that was weeping, no leaks bone dry.

Check the pollen filter, ok dry and no signs of weeping.

Pulled back the  front passengers side wheel liner to make sure there wasn't a build up of muck, non found remarkably clean infact.

Has anyone got any ideas at all where the water maybe entering.

Just so you know it's a 57 plate edition 30, 3 door without sunroof.
57 plate Tornado red 3dr manual edition 30

Offline Bane

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Re: Wet floor on passengers side
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2011, 05:08:08 pm »
I had this problem in the drivers side footwell a couple of weeks after I bought my ED30.
Turned out to be blocked drainaways which are located at either ends of the scuttle panel.
HTH. :happy2:

Offline treesimon

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Re: Wet floor on passengers side
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2011, 05:25:04 pm »
Cheers for that I'll have a look,

On yours was it obvious that you had a blockage by looking?

Also how did you go about unblocking them?

57 plate Tornado red 3dr manual edition 30

Offline Bane

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Re: Wet floor on passengers side
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2011, 10:41:45 pm »
Wasn't obvious that was the cause,but as I've experienced the same problem on a MK2 GTI and a MK4(which both had sunroofs and therefore blocked sunroof drains) I figured that there had to be drain channels running from the gutter panel under the windscreen to allow water somewhere to go-else it would just sit in there and cause rust.
I had the problem resolved under warranty as I noticed it about ten days after I bought the car and had to nudge the spannerman in the right direction of where to look,after he just left the car running for two hours with the heaters on full to dry it out....and then proceeded to open the passenger side door and declare all was well,when infact it was the drivers side that was the problem...... :rolleye: :congrats:
So, I think the drains can become blocked with crud buiding up in the holes at the top.I'm not sure where they come out underneath the car but somewhere in the wheelwell/sill area would be my guess.If you find them,just squeeze the end as they can sometimes stick together,if they're anything like the ones on the MK4 that is.