where did you get this document?
That would be telling lol 
There's been a document around d for well over a year with the 1500 units mentioned on it
an official one? where...?
I didn't want to drag up the whole "overbuild issue" again - I mean, I was merely posting this for the benefit of other members on here, like me, who are "enfatuated" with their edition 30's. The overbuild issue has been flogged to death if not here, then on other forums in the past. I too was sold the car on the premise that it was a limited edition LIMITED to 1500 vehicles, however on the other hand am kind of glad - owning number 2101 - it would have meant no edition 30 for me ... so ... anyway just thought everyone would appreciate the document for what it is - a little extra info on the vehicles we spend so much time driving, cleaning, talking about, posting about, researching etc
So ... that's it really I'm kinda glad they did overproduce them even if I was sold the car on a false premise - I'm sure all those on here with ED30's with plaque numbers over the 1500 mark will also echo this.