So far, with Jonny's help

I've established that the part #'s for his Recaro Sports in Interlagos (which were in his earlier GTI, not Ed30) were : -
(55) | 1K0 881 405 JE | seat cover (cloth) | left | PR-NOD
08/05-07/07TZX | anthracite | -RZ
(55) | 1K0 881 406 AR | seat cover (cloth) | right | PR-NOD
08/05-07/07TZX | anthracite | -RZ
56 | 1K0 881 805 D | backrest cover (cloth) | PR-NOD
^ This info also matches the right and left seat cover #'s which 'Blue' has posted.
The info 'Blue' posted is extra helpful because it shows "leather/leatherette | JTH" parts, and therefore it looks like "TZX" (next to the date range) might stand for Interlagos.
I'm pretty sure that "anthracite" is the
general term for the interior. Very helpful as he tried to be, my dealer's parts guy isn't quite up to speed on that.
Additionally, 'Tony_D' earlier in another thread posted part #'s which also match the above.
Methinks that all I have to do is confirm that "TZX" is Interlagos...........And starting saving in my piggy bank! Birthday donations very welcome!!