i'm all for this increase. i agree as well with some of the other sentiments about Police targeting DANGEROUS drivers, because dangerous driving is not the same as fast driving.
i also think that overnight the speed limits should be removed entirely (much like german autobahns - which btw i remember reading are actually safer than UK motorways because idiocy is punished and drivers are courteous and ruthelessly germanic in their precision)
i rarely brake the speed limit but the highway code and the national speed limit were set in 1964! that was 22 years before i was born! we now have cars that detect slowing traffic and brake themselves, and all the braking distances are woefully out of date. increasing the speed limit is definitely the smart thing to do. F**k the safety lobbyists, only 3000 ppl die on UK roads every year, of which a small proportion is due to speed. more people die of heart attacks every WEEK. if they want to save lives they should stop bothering drivers and hand out fruit instead.