I would defo buy a second hand one but I know companies and funny with warranty when it's second hand. I spoke to milltek as they are only down road from me and a very helpful guy told
Me that when it changes car it void warranty on the exhaust.
Think gonna sti k with my choice and hope for best :) now got to decide .. Custom code or p-torque for the stage2 map :s
I hear what your saying re: warranty etc, but tbh there isn't much to go wrong, my mechanic is a competent welder and if the for any reason the cat fails (never heard of that on a milly) I will convert it to a decat.

I really couldn't say no to it as it's only covered 7k and I got it for £215 posted -

Based on my bargain hunts the total cost for stage 1 then on to stage 2 has set me back under 800 quid, that includes stage 1 software, then the tweak to stage 2, an Evoms CAI with replacement engine cover and the Milltek DP.