General > Photography Section
I saw this plane fly today at an airstrip in Sweden, my first IRL of this plane, unfortunately i didn't get pictures of it flying but what a whistle it made when it overflew us.
Can anyone guess what airplane it is??
Hedge you are excluded as i'm sure you know what it is :P
Sorry for the distant picture, for some reason the pilot decided to land on another part of the airfield than we were racing on :grin:
I'm guessing vampire.
I think I know :evilgrin:
--- Quote from: stealthwolf on October 01, 2011, 07:56:15 pm ---I'm guessing vampire.
--- End quote ---
:wink: Really rate this year as a good one, having seen the Avro Lancaster at Inters and now this.
Two more to the list that also includes a german Phantom 2 and a Starfighter.
De Haviland Vampire Mk I
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