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Went to the Zoo on Friday

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How did you detect he was using one Rich?

Top Cat:

--- Quote from: richwig83 on October 03, 2011, 11:14:10 am ---Do you use the lens hood? If you don't, then start to use it and bin the UV filter (I'm guessing its a hoya cheapish one). The lens hood will give 1000% more protection than a UV filter  :happy2:

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I was using the lens hood as well, but often dont, as it makes the set up huge then, and quite embarrassing to lug about.  :rolleye:

I was using a Hoya filter but it is quite a good one and not cheap for a filter.  it is a Hoya super HMC PRO 1  :sad1:

Lens hoods are FTW mate  :happy2: Don't be shy  :laugh:


--- Quote from: andrewparker on October 03, 2011, 11:17:31 am ---How did you detect he was using one Rich?

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--- Quote from: andrewparker on October 03, 2011, 11:32:10 am ---
--- Quote from: andrewparker on October 03, 2011, 11:17:31 am ---How did you detect he was using one Rich?

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It was just a guess if I'm being honest  :signLOL:  UV filters can result in odd effects on images (especially in the out of focus areas, resulting in grainy bokeh), so I usually suggest that people don't use them unless its a top quality one or when a lens hood is not available. I don't even use my B+W filter anymore, i just use the hood all the time (which if good practice anyway)


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