General > Photography Section

Went to the Zoo on Friday

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I wouldnt use any canon or nikon filters either. B+W  are the only screw on ones i would use. A lens hood gives more protection than a filter in a "dropped lens" scenario, it will also to a degree cushion the blow to the rest of the lens as it will absorb some of the shock.

Owners of 6000 pound lenses won't use a filter but will always use the lens hood. On my 100-400 I dont use a filter (except a CP filter on occasion) but I always use the hood.



If it rains i use my hood  :laugh:   *+2 lens envy*


I use UV filters but the Hoya Pro HD-1 ones.

Not cheap at all but if you put a cheap filter on expensive glass its like putting cheap, sh!t tyres on your car.  :wink:

Hoya pro hd are good. I've got a CP version of that and it's superb.


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