Thanks for your enquiry, unfortunately the wheels you have specified will not fit onto your vehicle as the stud offset is different, but I believe I have another option for you.
We have some used R32 wheels in stock, I say used but they are in brilliant condition each wheel retail is £487.52 inc VAT but we are selling the whole set for £300 inc VAT two of these wheels come with tyres on which have good tread depth on them and can be used at any time.
These wheels are the same size as the wheels you currently have on your vehicle so would in keep with the appearance of the vehicle, I can get you winter tyres from Goodyear that would normally cost £262.54 inc VAT we would sell to you at £180.00 in VAT.
I have attached a picture of the wheels for you if you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.

Any views on this?