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K03 - 3" downpipe & revo stage2 done - Review inside.

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Well it's certainly working - took .95 of a second out of my time at Curborough on Saturday posting a 30.18 on road tyres with the back stripped out. 5th place over all and fastest MKV currently on the C-GTI's historic table.

If I'd bothered with the R888s and putting the ARBs on hard, I may have been in the medals?!

To put that into some sort of comparison, I was less than a second behind a 460BHP (+NOS) stripped A3 quattro and some 200BHP 800kg MKI GTIs with LSDs and on sticky tyres. Fastest was a big turbo'd 16v MKII (VW Motorsport lightened shell) again with an LSD and stickys by just over a second.

To say I'm proud of that would be an understatement.  :smiley:

^^^^^^^^ Very impressive  :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

 :ashamed: When I say proud, I mean of the car - certainly shows what the MKV chassis/engine is capable of - I'm just an amature swerver  :driver:

I'd have some pride in your driving too! It's a car and driver partnership.

Well Done! :drinking:

Top Cat:
I had my car in for service to day at Votex thought it would be rude to ignore the opportunity to go stage 2  :evilgrin:
I have to say i didn't think it was going to be a noticeable difference, but i am glad to report i was wrong it feels a lot quicker throughout the range.  :innocent: 


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