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Author Topic: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.  (Read 6669 times)

Offline Poverty

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I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« on: October 06, 2011, 11:17:09 pm »
Ban all women apart from those with specialist expertise from working. That way there should be enough work for all men, and we wouldnt have unemployment and fecklessness.

Then all those women would be encouraged to be home makers.

Take the kids to school, clean the home, make 3 hot dinners, go shopping, pickup the kids, take the kids to after school activities, make sure they do their homework, greet the husband and ask how his day went, put the kids to bed, and lastly please the husband.

A return to traditional wholesome western life of which the foundations this great nation was built upon. The future generations would be decent human beings, and no longer would the scum be disproportionally having more children than decent men and women who are too busy at work to start and afford a family whilst we pay for the scum to drag up more scum.

This could work right? Family is number one  :happy2:

Offline Dave63

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 11:19:09 pm »
Couple of small flaws in your theory.

Unemployed nurseries, childminders
Single parents

Not going to mention the other 63,000,000 flaws.  :P

Offline Poverty

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 11:22:31 pm »
Couple of small flaws in your theory.

Unemployed nurseries, childminders
Single parents

Not going to mention the other 63,000,000 flaws.  :P

Women would be allowed to be bakers, nurses, and nursery/primary school teachers and childminders wouldnt be required as you could leave the kids with their grandma or friends if need be for the day or so as we will be a family loving big society.

Single parents, they would be subsidised untill the children are 16, we would be able to afford it easily seeing as there would be no layabouts.

Offline JPC

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2011, 11:42:27 pm »
Wow I started reading that as if it was a copy and paste joke from some other forum but your actually serious aren't you?


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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2011, 11:49:23 pm »
Ok I'll be the one to say it, that's a very sexist view. I don't even know where to begin, seriously.

All I'll say is this, women working in certain fields is not the problem at all (can't believe I've had to type that).

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2011, 11:50:20 pm »
I take it MR Pov that this is were you live.  :star:

Offline Poverty

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2011, 11:53:10 pm »
Ok I'll be the one to say it, that's a very sexist view. I don't even know where to begin, seriously.

All I'll say is this, women working in certain fields is not the problem at all (can't believe I've had to type that).

Ok it needs some tweaking. Families with children below the age of 17 would be required to have a housewife/house husband to stay at home.

Now its no longer sexist, albeit I believe in 90% of cases the man would want to take the bread winner role.

I just think women working so much has been to the negative detriment of society. Most women these days cant even cook! My great grandmother and grandmother could bake cakes and pastries at home, which I can now only get by going to specialist bakeries and get charged obscene amounts. Thats not right! If I wanted beans on toast for dinner we wouldnt need a wife right guys? We can easily make that ourselves  :signLOL:
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 11:57:10 pm by Poverty »

Offline Poverty

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2011, 11:54:17 pm »
I take it MR Pov that this is were you live.  :star:

No sound on my laptop, will have to watch this later on the iphone!

Offline cmdrfire

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2011, 11:55:32 pm »
Say what? Is this for real?

Offline Poverty

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2011, 12:04:55 am »
Say what? Is this for real?

well its either this or job sharing in the future as robots increasingly take over the roles previously done by humans. There will be a job shortage in the future!

End result of Capitalism - "instead of growth serving life, life must now serve growth, perverting the very purpose of existence"

So forcing women to stay at home and making babies is just another way instead of job sharing in freeing up the employment marketplace!

Offline cmdrfire

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2011, 12:11:23 am »
Say what? Is this for real?

well its either this or job sharing in the future as robots increasingly take over the roles previously done by humans. There will be a job shortage in the future!

End result of Capitalism - "instead of growth serving life, life must now serve growth, perverting the very purpose of existence"

So forcing women to stay at home and making babies is just another way instead of job sharing in freeing up the employment marketplace!

OK, so let's say in a family only one member is now earning money.

Many families require two incomes to meet the mortgage, bills, etc. Suddenly with this law you've passed they are receiving only half the income. What's the solution? You can't just double the pay of the one person who is working, and a government subsidy for the second partner wouldn't work either (where will all the money come from). So what's the way out of that problem?

Offline Richn83

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2011, 09:24:05 am »
Now I dont agree with the OP, but on your point Neo the mortages and housing market is so massively over-priced due to people having large household incomes and the over leveraging of those incomes by the mortage companies that has created the problem, which leads everyone to have to money grab.

I for one would be happy to stay at home if and when I had a child and look after it and run my own cottage industry part-time and let my partner go off to work but if I ever want to be able to afford a house which means saving up a deposit which is nearly equivalent to an RS3 I have to sell my sole to the dolar.  And by the time I do the 25-35 year mortage term I will be lucky to pay the mortage off (let alone move up the ladder) before I retire by then probably in my 70's  :sad1:

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2011, 10:56:39 am »

So am I the only one who has a degree of agreement with Poverty or at least the principle of what he is wanting to achieve?

I suggest that the point he is making is that if a society had the structure which he suggests (which is only a structure which used exist) most of today's society's problems wouldn't exist. He's advocating a return to traditional values. Look at those societies in other parts of the world which still have such values: Far less problems with youth, stronger sense of family, more caring, etc etc etc.

Chasing money is the real problem. Current Western society places far too much importance on it. It's the fault of those who invented the banks <-- Now someone can call me anti-semetic as well as a sexist  :evilgrin: [But those who know me personally know that isn't the case].

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2011, 11:05:59 am »

Many families require two incomes to meet the mortgage, bills, etc.

....That's mostly because they choose to buy beyond their real means. In choosing that both partners go out to work they sacrifice their children (if they have any). It's a breakdown of family values and a tragedy.

But I don't know the answers and no longer need to worry about it.

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Offline paul896

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Re: I know how to fix unemployment, and the broken society.
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2011, 11:12:04 am »
other small flaws in your plan include:

what about lesbien couples??? should they both stay at home instead of working and earning a living and paying taxes? Does that mean that gay couples, where both men are allowed to work can be wealthier then a female couple?

Women who are un married?Should they live at home with their parents for the rest of their lives?

This is obviously totally ignoring the fact this is an extremely outdated sexist view that actually defies belief!