Now I dont agree with the OP, but on your point Neo the mortages and housing market is so massively over-priced due to people having large household incomes and the over leveraging of those incomes by the mortage companies that has created the problem, which leads everyone to have to money grab.
I for one would be happy to stay at home if and when I had a child and look after it and run my own cottage industry part-time and let my partner go off to work but if I ever want to be able to afford a house which means saving up a deposit which is nearly equivalent to an RS3 I have to sell my sole to the dolar. And by the time I do the 25-35 year mortage term I will be lucky to pay the mortage off (let alone move up the ladder) before I retire by then probably in my 70's 
I dunno if they're overpriced because of larger incomes, it falls down to supply and demand. Real estate is limited through virtue of living on an island. Either way it'd be a massive paradigm shift to change things.

Dear Lord, that's terrifying on so many levels!

So am I the only one who has a degree of agreement with Poverty or at least the principle of what he is wanting to achieve?
I suggest that the point he is making is that if a society had the structure which he suggests (which is only a structure which used exist) most of today's society's problems wouldn't exist. He's advocating a return to traditional values. Look at those societies in other parts of the world which still have such values: Far less problems with youth, stronger sense of family, more caring, etc etc etc.
I'd suggest that such an idealised society never existed, except in 60s American sitcoms. In Medieval times, peasant men and women would go out together to tend to the fields. Only the noble ladies would not be working, and they didn't look after their own children - they were only there to breed, really. Servants looked after the children. What parts of the world are you referring to Rob? These days there's a problem with youth
everywhere. I mean, I think the nuclear- or extended-family is probably
better, but I'd hardly suggest there's anywhere with fewer problems with the yoofs.
Chasing money is the real problem. Current Western society places far too much importance on it. It's the fault of those who invented the banks <-- Now someone can call me anti-semetic as well as a sexist
[But those who know me personally know that isn't the case].
That'd be the Dutch. They invented "high finance" so a pissant little country with no economy could build a fleet of warships and thereby claim an Empire.