With a edition 30 or Pirelli Id buy dealers or at cost only
There a car that will always be sought after and wanted, they will always have enthusiasts looking for them
So in my eyes I'll buy from main dealer or I will pay a "fair" amount more for one, at a dealer you pay for the after care,you pay for a service and it's reassuring to have Someone to fall back on and let Someone else do the hpi etc for you
As for a trade dealer...pay for what you get, trade dealers know what these cars are worth,they know what money they fetch so in my eyes a cheap car from a trader normally means there is something hiding? Why would they buy a car in for 10k that's worth say 17k and sell it for 12k when they can get the full RRP for it? Normally because there is something that you can't see!
This is why I will buy main dealer from now on,easy to buy from,reassurance,contact,after care, and it looks better when you sell the car on, I got fed up looking for polo for my girlfriend 1 year ago by people advertising things as mint when they were dogs,wasted to much time and caused more hassle and stress, now I'll just pop to the main dealer 5 mins away and leave the work to them

Hope you get a good one