Hey folks
Just thought i'd share a problem i've got with my car's paint.
When I first got my Clio it was quite obvious the previous owner didnt know what a sponge was let alone wax so the car needed a damn good detailing session. So off I set in the usual manner wash, De tar, clay, polish/cleanse then wax etc in the same manner I done with all my previous cars. For the first few days it looked awsome then it rained and the water beaded rather well and I was satisfied it was going to last then within the space of a week it rained again and it did not bead at all and the paint lost all of it's shine

I thought ok it was dirty so I cleaned it and no difference.
Over the past few months I have been trying different products on different panels and nothing is changing everything just seems to wash off with the first rainfall

I am quite confident it's not my application of products, i've been detailing as a hobby for years and its not the products ive been using, Werkstatt prime strong as the polish and Supernatural, Hard Candy, Autoglym HD wax and collinite 476 as the waxes. Obviously not all at the same time
Anyone got any suggestions as to what's going on?

Im a little stumped to say the least.
The paint feels smooth to the touch and i'm aware that just because it's not beading the wax isnt there but on all my previous cars the water has been beading off for a good few months especially with the Collinite which lasted a good 6 months.