Very nice results there John, heat soak doesn't look to bad on yours TBH, or was that with a good cool down period between runs.
Great results, John 
Intake + cooler should hopefully see another 10hp 
I'll be glad to get around 230-240bhp with the intake and cooler. Water/meth should hopefully keep things cool and give a little more too and should enable me to run stage 2, setting 3. 
I reckon you could get 230-240hp once you get your water meth on, but i cant see huge gains with the intercooler on yours as its not dipping that bad. Mine drops down quite bad in comparison.
im jealous now though lol. Ive bit the bullet and im going for the full exhaust system now, instead of just staying with the standard downpipe with first cat removed.
Ive just ordered the plugs for mine yesterday. Ill show you the pics when i get my std ones out, they dont look good

Guy on SCN just had his engine go bang because the electrode off the bottom of his spark plug came off and went into his engine, guess it was pretty hot