Went to GTI International today, very wet, very busy and as soon as it stopped raining I used my 4 run passes down the strip.
Best time of the morning was 14.02 with a 5.49 second 0-60. Not as good as I'd hoped, but the surface was very wet and add to that the DSG torque limiter cutting in, it wasn't too bad.
I must say that I enjoyed the handling course more than the sprint. Ended up with a 40.07 second run. The guy on the stand taking down the time told me beforehand that anywhere near to 40 seconds was excellent. The guys on the stand with track prepped cars and racing tyres were managing 39.6 to 39.7, so I was well impressed with the car. However, the guy from Bilstein said if I had set the car up on full hard with the damping then the car would have been just as good as the track cars!!
Bodes well for the next trackday.