General > Photography Section

Audi Driver International @ Castle Combe

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Here's a few took by me. I was learning as I went so they're not quite as sharp as Ian's efforts!

More to come, but I've only uploaded a few to PB, due to a pathetic upload speed. They'd probably look better cropped, too, no doubt...

They are good Simon.  :happy2:
Next time RTFM before you get there.  :wink:

Sometimes for Photobucket I resize them on the PC beforehand but with 8meg upload I stopped doing that.

If you want some light reading try Bryan Peterson - Understanding Exposure or the Shutter Speeds one.  :smiley:


--- Quote from: Hedge on October 09, 2011, 10:43:25 pm ---Next time RTFM before you get there.  :wink:
--- End quote ---

 :P Who needs manuals when we have smartphones with google? Lucky there's a good signal at CC!

Saint Steve:
great photos Simon!!  :happy2:

what camera and lense did you use.

Can't wait for my 1st day with my new equipment at a track day too


--- Quote from: simonp on October 09, 2011, 10:54:49 pm ---
--- Quote from: Hedge on October 09, 2011, 10:43:25 pm ---Next time RTFM before you get there.  :wink:
--- End quote ---

 :P Who needs manuals when we have smartphones with google? Lucky there's a good signal at CC!

--- End quote ---

What network r u on? We couldn't load anything on O2!!!  :sad1:


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