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DSLR - Amateur advise.

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Looking to buy a decent camera and as a beginner I dont think I will do an SLR justice so looking at a DSLR.

Currently know very little about them so could someone recommend me one? Need to get it over the next few months to practise ready for summer when im hitting the trails on the MB.


Have a look at

If beginning, either go for entry-level or used higher-end.

An SLR and a DSLR are the same thing. Former is film and the latter is the digital version.

You don't want a SLR film camera I can tell you that for nothing. You'll go through film at a rate of knots and the learning curve is much much slower than digital.

If your after a Digital SLR and intend to use it for action photography, look for ones that can shoot about 6 FPS (canon 40d or 50d, or nikon D300.


Id go for the D90 over the D300.. same internals in a slightly smaler body. Then spend the savings on some better glass... Never use the lens that comes with the kit. A good lens is where you want to spend more money.


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