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DSLR - Amateur advise.

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Cheers for the replys.

I think your comment 'more pocketable' is a winner for me. Wanting to take it with me when I do trails and walks etc.

Would anyone recommend ordering from Hong Kong...seller on eBay banging them out at £310 as apose to Amazon at £375

I'd avoid anything from abroad. What would you do if anything went wrong?

Go try the camera out in store. The Nikon p7000 has similar features without the fancy screen.

I couldn't keep the g12 in a trouser pocket but definitely a jacket pocket.

What about these newfangled Micro Four Thirds things? The new Panasonic jobby is tiny in comparison to an SLR.


--- Quote from: simonp on October 12, 2011, 07:44:52 am ---What about these newfangled Micro Four Thirds things? The new Panasonic jobby is tiny in comparison to an SLR.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: richwig83 on October 09, 2011, 11:57:08 pm ---Smaller isnt always better. Especially if you have man hands.

--- End quote ---

As I have quite large hands I find the smaller cameras a pain to hold and use. If I didn't have a grip for my K-5 it would be pretty awkward to hold and use.

Can anyone tell me the difference between the NEX 5 and 3?

I would have thought one would be a higher model but they're similar in price.


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