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DSLR - Amateur advise.
Smaller isnt always better. Especially if you have man hands.
--- Quote from: jedi-knight83 on October 09, 2011, 11:46:57 pm ---Id go for the D90 over the D300.. same internals in a slightly smaler body. Then spend the savings on some better glass... Never use the lens that comes with the kit. A good lens is where you want to spend more money.
--- End quote ---
Second that. For a beginner the D90 is a good choice. The 18-55 lens isnt too bad either.
Invest on new lens when you get the bug. First things I would be buying are ND, Skyligh or polarising filters and a kit bag...
The UV filter will help protect the lens the others add a little creativity for minimal cost.
Sounds dumb, but there is an idiots guide to the D90 which is excellent. It is about the D90 not the general mumbo-jumbo.
PS Made an expensive move from canon to nikon. Can't explain why just seem to get better results.
Canon G12 any good?
A mate keeps banging on about them.
Yea they are good. But it isn't a DSLR and for action photography there is no substitute for a DSLR.
I have the G12 and Richwig does too.
It's up to you to decide what you're after. For me, a full on dSLR would just get left at home except for special occasions, whereas the G12 has similar functionality but is more pocketable. Also has a folding out screen so you can take pics from various angles. Love the chunky feel of it. Downsides IMO are zoom (only 5x), viewfinder is pretty useless, and it's not so great as video. Having said that, a lot of pros seem to use it as their second camera.
Go to a camera shop to try it out. At the time I bought it, I could have bought an entry level SLR for similar cost.
EDIT: Rich beat me in posting.
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