A quick update.

Got my S3 IC and forge twintercooler fitted late last night.

I was getting slightly scared at this stage, lots of bits coming off the car and hoping Mat would remember where they went.

new S3 IC on.

And finally this sexy looking thing.

Big thank you to a member on here for getting me the Twintercooler at a great price. Cheers Nick.

But a extra big thanks to Mat ED 30 who spent hours fitting them for me, a lot of the time in the pouring rain lying down in puddles.

cant fault his problem solving skills and there was only one screw left at the end.

I owe you one buddy big time. thanks again. happy2:
I only had enough fuel to scrape it home so i was conserving fuel all the way. Then when i new i had enough it was time to test it out.

Bollocks to any placebo effect the car was a lot faster, i wouldn't say it felt like getting it mapped again but i was amazed by the extra power, it felt like the engine was lighter and the exhaust note sounded really crisp and free.

I got this mod purely for the cooling effect and to limit heat soak but the extra power is a real bonus.