Just tried the above redex method tonight, There is a sensor directly above the throttle body that need to be taken out for the pipe to go in.
I used electrical tape to ensure a tight fit (and my son's football pump adaptor

) to get the redex into the intake manifold,
Just remeber not to rev the car and once the car start to struggle pull the tube out of the redex,
So far results seem good, certainly no adverse effects. The car does not seem any better but didnt expect it to as it is just a maintainence procedure.
Only downside i have found is disconnecting the sensor pulled up a fault code but cleared on my Liquid 2 so easily fixed.
In all well worth a try as it can only help and only took me ten mins and the a good spirited drive to clear the car out afterwards.
Oh and another plus point is Redex is on offer for £2 at Asda at the moment.