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Avro Vulcan XH558 - Last flight of 2011 / First flight of 2012

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It was perfect lighting too... clear sky and low dark sun  :jumpmove:


Get em watermarked & posted  :party: :P


Avro Vulcan XH588 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Avro Vulcan XH588 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Coming into land...

Avro Vulcan XH588 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Avro Vulcan XH588 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Avro Vulcan XH588 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Lined up for take off...

Avro Vulcan XH588 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Almost vertical climb...

Avro Vulcan XH588 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Avro Vulcan XH588 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Avro Vulcan XH588 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Avro Vulcan XH588 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

Avro Vulcan XH588 by Rich Wigley, on Flickr

And thats it...  I absolutely loved seeing her fly having heard so much about it. Such a wonderful sight...  :notworthy: :notworthy: :noteworthy:


...ohh... and I really do not like Nikon cameras....  :sick:


--- Quote from: Hedge on October 16, 2011, 06:54:04 pm ---
--- Quote from: QD on October 16, 2011, 06:03:25 pm ---^^^^

Didn't see her at Wootton Bassett.

--- End quote ---

She was there. 16:00.

--- End quote ---

it was all finished by 1500.



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