General > Photography Section
Avro Vulcan XH558 - Last flight of 2011 / First flight of 2012
Thanks again for those Hedge.
I love the way that it takes an eternity for the nose to drop on landing, I suppose its due to such a huge surface area and pressure under the wing.
I believe they keep the nose up on landing so they are able to use that big wing as a kind of airbrake to help slow her down :laugh:
Nicely said Ben. :happy2:
They have the option of a chute for very short landings but it costs a fortune to repack each time.
Top Cat:
This guy takes a nice piccie.
A couple of your sweetheart in their MR Hedge. :wink:
i got these snaps of the vulcan back in late 09 when i was at the btcc/wac at silverstone.
was an amazing thing to see
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