General > Photography Section

Avro Vulcan XH558 - Last flight of 2011 / First flight of 2012

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Aw fanks Mr Cat. Worth a look at some of his others as well.  :happy2:

--- Quote from: KevMK5 on October 28, 2011, 10:40:29 pm ---i got these snaps of the vulcan back in late 09 when i was at the btcc/wac at silverstone.

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I was there also. First time I saw the Vulcan fly.  :love: :smiley:


--- Quote from: richwig83 on October 16, 2011, 07:18:41 pm ---...ohh... and I really do not like Nikon cameras....  :sick:

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why's that??

awesome photos though, look really good :happy2:

Too many buttons that are not intuitive.

Maybe it's because I've had 2 canon cameras (40D and 5DII) and thats just what I'm used too.

Thanks for your kind words :-)

Can't wait to see her again, it's made a lasting impression that's for sure.


She has that effect on the best of us Rich.  :ashamed:


--- Quote from: richwig83 on November 02, 2011, 08:22:10 pm ---Too many buttons that are not intuitive.

Maybe it's because I've had 2 canon cameras (40D and 5DII) and thats just what I'm used too.

Thanks for your kind words :-)

Can't wait to see her again, it's made a lasting impression that's for sure.


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fair enough dude, :happy2:, il stick to Nikon as that's all i have used..


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