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Avro Vulcan XH558 - Last flight of 2011 / First flight of 2012

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The only problem being that Rolls-Royce Olympus 201 engines don't grow on trees.

I believe they have 3 serviceable in storage.  :sad1:

Presumably the fault might have had far more serious consequences if it had occurred after take-off.

Ohh no. That's a great shame hedge. I hope they have the means to repair her.

Was it the same engines that's had been recently overhauled?


--- Quote from: RedRobin on May 30, 2012, 02:15:50 pm ---.
Presumably the fault might have had far more serious consequences if it had occurred after take-off.

--- End quote ---

She can fly on 2 albeit not very well.

--- Quote from: richwig83 on May 30, 2012, 02:23:35 pm ---Was it the same engines that's had been recently overhauled?

--- End quote ---

I don't think they touched the engines. There was talk of it but I don't think it happened.

--- Quote ---Quote from the FB page....

"Engine management has received some deep thought. We have decided not to change the installed engines for those in store quite yet, partly to save money but also because flying with known-engines improves our safety case during conversations with the CAA that we hope will lead to permission to fly over London for a couple of very special events. We are putting the money saved towards a project that could keep her flying for longer. If you would like to support this, we will be delighted to recognise your contribution with a certificate and by placing your name on the bomb-bay plaque. More details here. Thank you."
--- End quote ---


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