Nick at r-tech has it. he is going to install and setup. we will have to wait n see 
I hope you don't bend any rods seeing that APR recommend installing uprated rods on the their 100 octane K04 file because of the possibility.
The idea is not to run any more cylinder pressures its all ready at 1.5-1.6 bar and -4cf at peak torque, The way to gain power would to be run a leaner AFR of around 12.5:1 from 4500rpm to 7000rpm and not 11.5:1 which is used to cool cylinder and exhaust temps, plus after a few logging sessions I shoukd find a safe window for 2-4deg advance, if I can get the current CFs down to zero. Looking forward to doing this tomorrow..... If I can find a spark plug combination to stop this bloody misfire....