I never mentioned the tuner Ben, and have never said anything about bad customer service
I'm very grateful for the map revisions 
1. Stage 3 map 16 april - felt flat
2. stage 3 map test - very high settings - 17th april
3. stage 3 map final 29th april
engine light on
4.stage 3 map - no CEL light 19th may
i. Rolling road at RS tuning 21st may 317bhp / 280 lb/ft torque
5.stage 3 sorted - end of may full day at Shark HQ, set up by Mikko, all day tweaking map and datalogging on road.
Brake pedal travel very bad on way home
New discs and pads fitted, litre upon litre of fluid bled through, brakes still no good, R32 brake kit fitted then master cylinder replaced ,brakes great
~£900 in total
ii. Rolling road at pdtuning 2nd June 334bhp 320lb/ft torque
Revo dsg added 8th June - Only change actually made to engine
iii. Rolling roaded at 348bhp 349 lb/ft torque
iiii. Rolling road day PDtuning 16th July 331bhp 350lb/ft torque
Very high timing pull with vcds
6. Stage 3 remap with less timing 2nd august
car has now got massive boost spike
7. stage 3 remap with less boost 4th august
iv. Rolling road day at Evotune 293 bhp / 320lb/ft torque
rolling road same day with stock map, 235bhp, 250lb/ft torque
12th september, new turbo fitted at vw dealers £1370
car returned fully to stock at dealers request, exhaust off etc. apr hpfp sold, forge twintake sold.
19th september, fault finding at dealers until 14th october. £390
22nd october, full engine rebuild, £unknown yet at is currently being done probably £1300-£1500
4 rolling road sessions in 6 months, 7 maps which I am grateful for (9 including the 2 stage 1 maps)
You've obviously had lots of problems with the car Dom and at one point it was running perfectly. As you know I offered to help and even contribute towards your brake problem but having mapped countless cars on roads/airfields some with higher power than yours, I know that while we might have got your brakes a bit hot with a few 3rd gear runs and then back down to 30mph or so, that didn't kill your brakes. Stock cars manage on track days, no reason why your car should have had a brake problem from that.
Anyway, the point was that we didn't just chuck our developed stage 3 map at you and left it at that. We worked with you to get it to how you wanted it, which I think we managed after the visit down to us? The car ran perfectly then. It's impossible to know what's happened to your car especially as it had 3 different tuners' maps on before ours. What I do know is that it ran fine as per your visit prior to the RR day of 2nd June.
We've spent countless hours working with you, retuning your car using the STS/logging method and also nearly a full day with you down here, a free few hours sorting out your STS and telling you that you didn't need a new turbo that you had done anyway.. we tried our best to help. I also checked some of your "very high timing pull logs" and as there's no actual ignition angle logged in those files (block 003) it's impossible to know exactly what the car was doing, so while there was evidence of -9 on one cylinder for around 2.5 seconds, we can't compare that to the actual ignition angle and so we can't even guess why it was showing -9. That was after the DSG map was added and so a rather large variable had changed and none of our previous logs from your visit here were useable as a comparison.
So alright, my comment was a bit throwaway and only meant as a joke, didn't really expect a potted history of the last 6 months in reply.
Either way I'm gonna bow out of this situation here as I don't think it's constructive for either of us. If you have any issues to take up with me I'd rather it was done directly by email or by phone, you know I'll help as much as I can