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lighting help
hello all.
i have been taking alot of sunset photos since getting my dslr (olympus e420). i would really like to get something with regards to lighting.
what do you lot reccomend on a lower budget.?
pics like the one in my sig would be what i was looking to get some light into.
thanks :happy2:
Top Cat:
Do you mean so you can see the sunset but have the car lit up as well. :happy2:
exactly. my camera skills have got better but still struggle with lighting... cheers
Top Cat:
You can buy off camera flash and place them were ever you want, then just sync it to time with your camera. Or just experiment with any lights, bright torches or small lamps placed in the right place. You could also do HDR photos which will give you details in the picture that you cant get with single shots.
This picture is HDR it is actually 6 pictures blended into one, because it is a dark garage it is impossible to get the details around the bottom of the splitter and also capture the light reflections on the bonnet and back of the garage all with one exposure. Exactly the same problem you have with your picture.
Waiting to go. by T0P cat, on Flickr
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